Technical Details

I mod all my Xbox 360s using RGH3, which is a modern version of the “JTAG” exploit, if that rings a bell from back in the day. It utilizes a few wires and resistors soldered on the board to allow for an exploited onboard flash to boot a unrestricted version of the Xbox360 operating system, which allows for unsigned code to run.

I installed Aurora dashboard, as well as XeXMenu, a file browser, and DashLaunch, which allows some boot parameters to be set.

<aside> ⚠️ While an RGH3’d 360 is technically capable of connecting to Xbox LIVE, I do not configure it to do so, and is not recommended without thorough research on the topic. The console is currently configured to refuse all connections with Xbox LIVE. If you disable these and go online without the proper safeguards, YOU WILL BE BANNED, either a Console or ACCOUNT ban. I will not help with this, so don’t bother asking.


If for some reason you are exploring the mod world for the 360 and come across something that requires your Key Vault or NAND dump, contact me. I create and store a copy of these when flashing the console. You will need to provide me with your serial number. Please note this down from the Settings menu of the stock dashboard and not from the sticker on the console, as they may not necessarily match. If you don’t know what this is for, you don’t need it!

Aurora Dashboard

Aurora is the custom dashboard installed on your system. While it is not required (You can use the original dashboard) it adds a lot of new features.

You can read about Aurora here.